Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Coming Thursday

Word from Anniston City Manager George Monk is the police department is having a bit of a turnover problem. Four investogators have been moved to cover patrols for the time being. We're looking into how many cops have left and why, and what the city can do about it.

There's just no other way to say it. It's hot. We'll have some tips on how to keep your pets, your kids, elderly people and yourself from succumbing to the heat.

Oxford Mayor Leon Smith gave a "State of the City" today to the East Alabama Credit Association's monthly meeting. The state? Growing, apparently. Smith hinted at lots more groundbreakings in the near future.

Plus, a look at some of the details of Anniston City Schools' budget problems, and the story of a couple dozen puppies now on their way from Anniston to New York.