Thursday, October 25, 2007

Coming Friday in The Star

Check out the following stories in Friday's Anniston Star:

Great pumpkins....So who grows and sells all those pumpkins people buy around Halloween? What are they used for the rest of the year? Todd South dives into the pumpkin patch for this story.

Andy Johns actually sacrificed his own arm for a photo of a mosquito feasting on a human for this story. There's good news and bad news: Experts say that the drought will help cut down certain mosquito populations, but other kinds of the blood thirsty bugs have been laying eggs by ponds all summer and at the first big rain they will all hatch.

Nick Cenegy looks at local law enforcement agencies' accident policies. What happens when a law enforcement officer wrecks his or her vehicle?

Andy Johns stopped by the Anniston Alive festival on Noble Street Thursday night and has a report from there.