In broad daylight.
On purpose.
That could have been me.
As faithful Star readers may know, we did our first video editorial the other day, and it's brought mixed results. We've learned that we need a tripod and that I need to learn there's a difference between a script and a printed editorial. A big difference.
Anyway, our finished product -- a takeoff on the Charlie's Angels TV show from the 1970s -- wasn't our first choice. Our plan was to dress me like those dudes in the photo, in a crazy leisure suit and an Afro, take me to 10th and Noble in downtown Anniston, and have me narrate a portion of our editorial.
I was game. My reputation's already cemented, plus I'd look good in an Afro.
Problem was, we couldn't find a leisure suit. Or at least that's the story we're trotting out there.
We'll do better next time. I hope.