Star photographer Bill Wilson covered the homecoming of Maj. Clay Goff yesterday at the St. Mark's United Methodist Church Kindergarten along with writer Matt Kasper.
"The shot I most wanted to get is also the shot I figured would be the most dificult." Wilson told me as he edited the images. A classic homecoming image is one where the returning family member has his arms outstretched and the kids are rushing toward him. Other classic shots come to mind, big bear hugs, aligator tears streaking down smiling faces.
Bill wanted the rush shot. And he got it. What makes it difficult to capture, as you can imagine, is that you only have about a second before it's all over. Other elements add to the challenge. "I was worried about Goff being washed out by the bright sunlight as he entered the door." Wilson said, adding "I'm lucky that didn't happen."