How to play the new homerun record? That's easy enough if your Barry Bonds' hometown paper. But what about here in Alabama? It's front-page news, but just how big is it compared to the state's heat wave? Or the start of high school and college football practice? (It is Alabama, after all.)
A survey of Alabama papers at the Newseum's Web site showed that most papers in the state put the record-setting homer on page one, but not as the dominant item, which is what The Star did. Others -- Mobile and Tuscaloosa - made an equally valid call in putting Bonds' achievement as the top item on the front page.
What would you have done? Leave us your comments
One other note: We'll ask Bill Edwards, the master of our archives, to search back to the April 9, 1974 edition to see how The Star played Hank Aaron beating Babe Ruth's HR record.